The ALIVE Center empowers teens to be resilient and impassioned through a peer mentoring model. The ALIVE Center is an award winning nonprofit in Illinois that offers after-school and over the summer centers for teens. ALIVE has been empowering teens through a peer mentoring model since 2012 with locations currently in Naperville, Aurora, Hanover Park and more on the way. ALIVE’s Teen-Led, Teen-Driven™ after-school and over the summer programs, activities, and events provide teens a unique place to build meaningful connections with peers and caring adults, discover what their passions are, and learn valuable leadership skills.

Our Mission is to create Teen-Led, Teen-Driven centers focused on empowering the youth of today to become the confident, impassioned, resilient leaders of tomorrow. 

As a nonprofit organization we offer free drop-in hours after school and over the summer as well as a myriad of programs, classes and events, designed to build confident and resilient teens.

On any given day at ALIVE one will find teen-led tutoring, mentoring and clubs as well as life skill classes such as unstructured art and dance, nutrition and healthy cooking, stress management, open music venues, creative writing and just plain fun! We are a place to belong and learn important life skills. We are about new experiences and expanding minds!

Our paid programming and rentals help us to fully utilize the space while allowing our community to support our local teens.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.

And then go and do that.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Howard Thurman

Our Vision

To make Naperville and ALIVE a National Leader in Teen-Led Teen-Driven (TLTD) empowerment programs.

Our Mission

Our mission statement was written by our teens and is the voice and heart which drives the center:

Our Mission is to create Teen-Led, Teen-Driven centers focused on empowering the youth of today to become the confident, impassioned, resilient leaders of tomorrow. 


Find out more about our programs